What is mycve.com ?

Hey, My name is Mehmet ( @mdisec ) Ince, who has been a security researcher since the early 2000s, publishing over a hundred vulnerabilities across various critical systems. Earlier of 2025, I needed to collect all of my published vulnerabilities at 2024 in a single place for my own reference. So posted this tweet on the right.

After a while, I realized that even if there are dozens of websites that provide CVE information, there is no website that allows you to search for CVE numbers by the name of the researcher who discovered them. So I decided to create a website that allows you to create your own profile and add the CVE numbers you discovered. This way, you can easily find all the CVE numbers you have discovered in one place.

How does it work

First and foremost, I would like to huge thanks to folks who are working at opencve.io project. I have used their project as a base and added some additional features to it.

I've been trying to scrape all the HTML content from every single URL that is listed as a reference, which they have been provided by MITRE, NIST, and other organizations. But the one problem that I've been still working on to crawl the URL content is that some of the URLs are not reachable anymore. Specially the good old exploit resources like milw0rm, packetstormsecurity, are not reachable anymore.

Therefore I do slowly but surely crawl these URL from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine , which has dramatically low rate limit. For those who are interested in the crawling process, or willing to contribute to this project in any way you like, please feel free to join us at https://github.com/mdisec/mycve.com